Saudi Arabia
  • Address

    Saudi Arabia 
2251 King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Road , Al Worood district, Riyadh 12253

  • Phone

    00 966 11 205 5885

  • Address

    3/68 Al-Mehwar Al-Markazy, Central Axis, 6 th of October City, Giza Governorate

  • Phone

    02 36858439

  • Address

    204 RKM building, Hor Al-Anz East, Dubai, UAE

  • Phone

    00 971 4 269 7337

  • Fax

    00 971 4 269 8668

Spark Arrestor 2

Spark Arrestor 2

Spark Arrestor 2

Prevents burning particulate from entering the fume extraction unit.

BOFA’s Spark Arrestor unit helps to prevent potentially damaging, burning particulates generated during laser marking processes from entering the fume extraction unit.

Hot burning particulate is transported through the specially designed plates positioned within the airflow, slowing the burning particulate down until it finally drops into the removable drop-out chamber, so protecting the fume extractor.